01 marzo 2007


The objective of this travel is not gain a record, or make the round around the world (it won’t be bad) Simply we want to know deeply every place that we tread, to know the people, the culture, the day by day of the life.
We always put as a goal Australia, not for something special, although this country we like a lot; if we want to know well Asia, Australia it is a good place to put the end of the travel.
A motive of why this travel is to escape of this consume society where we live; every day we want more and more and although we don’t want, the wheel obey us to be inside and follow the rules. We want to go out of the wheel, to broke with everything and see that we don’t need all this staff that we believe essential.
During the travel not everything will be nice and perfect, one day we will miss a hot shower, a big lunch full of cholesterol or a simply bed. But we are sure that all this thing will be compensate with the experiences of the day by day; go to sleep one night and don’t know what will happen tomorrow morning.

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